Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Difficult Diabetic Days.

So many times I have had bad days.  I have woke up and felt very bad, in the middle of the day or playing with the grandson the bottom drops out on me and I end up with low blood sugars.  I can't think right, making choices or decisions at that point it's probably the hardest thing in the world because I can't get my brain to work.What the worst is, when it happens in the middle of the night and no one but me is awake.

I hate it when I run into walls, or am dizzy and it feels like I have been on a two day drunk. What happens if you think you have eaten enough carbs for lunch and realize that the exercise of cleaning house has used up the carbs and the proteins are fast to break down, then you get close enough for Diabetic Shock.

I had a mild heart attack in 2010 and didn't even know I was having one.  I went to the doctors and of course I was placed on high blood pressure medication and a cholesterol pill.  It was mild I only had to take the bare amounts of each.  That was 3 years ago and now I am being upped because I am having a difficult time keeping them in check or maintained.  So I am working on a higher dose of each, added a cardiologist to my doctors plans and a neurologist now as well.

I guess you never really can understand what others go thru until you experience it yourself.  I know it may sound like complaining but really its not.  I do have to make others realize what it feels like to the best of my ability, and that would be through my personal experiences.

Everyday and Night something is happening to me as a Diabetic.  In the morning I am usually so dizzy it is difficult to walk because I stumble into walls.  My sugar is usually at about 174- 202 waking no matter what I chose to do before bed.  In the middle of the night my sugar wakes me either with the shakes and the excessive pounding of a rapid heart rate or having to get up in the middle of the night from either urinating or leg and feet cramps nightly.  In the day my blurred vision is making it difficult to see things, and if I want to spend time doing things I have to always remember I can make my sugar drop by over doing it.  If I don't do it then it raises high.  I have medication all throughout the day, and I have to remember to eat on time, snack on time, and wear shoes all the time.  I have burned myself on the stove many times and I do not feel a thing, yet sometimes I end up with peeling skin from the burns.


Can you believe that those things are only a drop in the bucket when it comes to Diabetic Difficulties or Medical Issues that I have living with Diabetes and so do so many others.  The thing I hate the most though is when I cant remember things and they could be small, or large.  I have learned to make notes for myself and do things right then and there.  I hate it when people say to me, "Oh that's okay don't worry about it, you will remember later then you can tell me."  Not true!  If I do it is days or weeks or Months.    I'm tired because it is always so up and down with me even though I do whatever I can to keep it regular, my Diabetes hates me.

Each Day is a challenge a struggle, but I am alive and willing to learn and review and share so others can know what we go through so we can come together as a community.  Remember if you are not Diabetic that it is a very difficult Disease and it is not always curable by losing weight sometimes its in the genes.  It affects your Brain, your Heart, your Eyes, your Kidneys, your Liver, your Pancreas, your Gallbladder, your Skin, your Thyroid and so much more.

I would love to know your stories.  I would love to share your living and your work with your disease or that of those you take care of.  If you would like to share or have something to offer, please connect with me @diabetic.day2013@gmail.com.  Together we can help make things better through communication and information. 

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