Friday, August 2, 2013

Diabetic Shopping Lists

Here on planet Earth, the confusion is great over just what to buy when you go to the grocery store, farmers market or international markets as a Diabetic.  It feels like you are a alien from outer space and there just is no food sources here on this planet to feed that hunger inside you.   Lucky for you we have what is called the internet, and lucky for you I don't mind learning as I go along myself seeking answers to mind boggling questions.

This question for me today is WHAT DO I EAT? Sorry, I didn't mean to shout so loud, but I get so very confused about this when I go shopping with my husband.

While I was looking around the internet at different types of answers for this question I thought to plug in Diabetic Grocery Lists.  I came up with some information on what to eat and a few really good lists to print and take with me to the Grocery store while I was looking.  I will list some of these and maybe you won't be so confused what to buy just maybe how to make out a menu and the recipes to make some great food.  Don't worry though we will answer those questions too.   Now lets get busy!

The First Shopping List was from here is the
This is the link to the printable Diabetes Friendly Shopping List from

Second:  Right at Home Diabetic Shopping list

Third:  Your Diabetes Diet:  Exchange Lists (Mayo Clinic) Very Helpful Information
Printable Diabetic Grocery List you will need to download the PDF or DOC.

Don't forget to check your App Stores for great Diabetic Help Apps.  You can Find them on Google Play Store, Itunes, and numerous others.  There are great Diabetic Recipe Apps and as I said before also great food and menu planning Apps.  Great Resources for a Diabetic on the Go. Don't forget to set alarms on your phone to help you remember when you need to eat your snacks and prepare your meals.  I do this on a regular basis.  It has been a great help to have this on my Android Phone.  

There are also some great Meal Planners out there for Diabetics and Recipes too.  I will try my best to keep fresh and new places, information and Idea's coming out there for you to help you as I am helping myself with the complexities of Diabetes.  It really isn't fun to try to do this alone.  As a community of Diabetics and Caregivers we can do this together.  We can be great support for each other on this journey that is Diabetes.

If you have questions or would like to share information or ideas or even write a blog for Diabetes Day then feel free to connect with me @

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