Sunday, July 21, 2013

Natural Helps and Diabetes

We all have heard of different types of things that are out there and supposed to help us with Diabetes instead of having to take our perscription meds.  Even though we have heard of things we dont really get the information we properly need to know if that is the direction we should go or try.

So let me start out by giving you some of the names of these Natural herbs and plants dealing with Diabetes.  North American Ginseng, Chromium, Magnesium, Cinnamon, Zinc, Aloe Vera Gel, Vanadium, Momordica Charantia, Nopal, Fenugreek, Gymnema.

1.  North American Ginseng:  Diabetes
Several human studies found that American ginseng lowered blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The effect was seen both on fasting blood sugar and on postprandial (after eating) glucose levels. One study found that people with type 2 diabetes who took American ginseng before or together with a high sugar drink experienced less of an increase in blood glucose levels. However, more research is needed.
One study using mice found that the American ginseng berry was more effective at lowering blood sugar levels than the root.  Source: American ginseng | University of Maryland Medical Center 

2.  Chromium:   Diabetes
Researchers have studied the effects of chromium supplements for type 2 diabetes for many years. While some clinical studies have found no benefit, other clinical studies have reported that chromium supplements may reduce blood sugar levels as well as the amount of insulin people with diabetes need.
In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, people with type 2 diabetes who took chromium picolinate had better HbA1c values -- used to measure long-term control of blood sugar levels -- than those who took placebo. The group taking chromium also had better fasting blood glucose levels, a measure of short-term control of blood sugar levels.
Another double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked at a combination of chromium and biotin. Half the people in the study took chromium picolinate and biotin, and the other half took placebo. Those who took chromium and biotin had better fasting glucose levels as well as HbA1c values.
One study found that women who have diabetes as a result of being pregnant improved their blood sugar control when they took chromium.
But not all studies agree, and if chromium does help reduce blood glucose, it’s not clear how big the benefit might be. More research is needed.  Source: Chromium | University of Maryland Medical Center

3.  Magnesium:  Magnesium and diabetesDiabetes is a disease resulting in insufficient production and/or inefficient use of insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. Insulin helps convert sugar and starches in food into energy to sustain life. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is most often diagnosed in children and adolescents, and results from the body's inability to make insulin. Type 2 diabetes, which is sometimes referred to as adult-onset diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. It is usually seen in adults and is most often associated with an inability to use the insulin made by the pancreas. Obesity is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. In recent years, rates of type 2 diabetes have increased along with the rising rates of obesity.  Source:

4.  Cinnemon:  Researchers have been investigating a number of powerful natural agents that can help you stabilize your blood sugar, and once again, cinnamon has proven itself as a viable contender in the fight against diabetes, as the study in Diabetic Medicine reveals.(1)  Source:

5.  Zinc:  According to Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, a professor of chemistry and of biophysics,  amylin,  a protein forms dense clumps that shut down insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, and disrupts the body’s ability to control  blood sugar levels. Zinc  may help prevent this disruption that amylin causes.  Source:

6.  Aloe Vera Gel: 
The first study was conducted by Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand. Thirty six human type 2 diabetics were treated with 2 tablespoons of 80% aloe vera juice. There was also a control group of 36 patients, who did not receive the trreatment. All 72 patients had similar blood glucose levels at the begininng of the study.
By the end of week two of the study, the aloe vera consuming group had lowered their fasting blood glucose by 17 percent. By the end of six weeks, this group had lowered their fasting blood glucose 57 percent (43 percent of the starting value).  Source:

7.  Vanadium: 
Vanadium is a mineral. It was named for the Norse goddess of beauty, Vanadis, because of its beautiful colors. Vanadium supplements are used as medicine.
Vanadium is used for
treating diabetes, low blood sugar, high cholesterol, heart disease, tuberculosis, syphilis, a form of “tired blood” (anemia), and water retention (edema); for improving athletic performance in weight training; and for preventing cancer
How does it work? There is some evidence that vanadium might act like insulin, or help to increase the effects of insulin.

8.  Momordica Charantia:  Three randomised controlled trials with up to three months duration and investigating 350 participants met the inclusion criteria. Risk of bias of these trials (only one study was published as a full peer-reviewed publication) was generally high. Two RCTs compared the effect of preparations from different parts of the momordica charantia plants and placebo on the glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. There was no statistically significant difference compared to placebo. The effects of preparation from the leaves of the plant and glibenclamide were comparable in the third trial. No serious adverse effects were reported in all the trials. There were no documentations of death from any cause, morbidity, (health-related) quality of life and costs.  Source:

9.  Nopal:  Although research on nopal as a treatment for diabetes is somewhat contradictory, there is some evidence to suggest that the plant has a mild blood-sugar lowering effect. The raw plant contains complex carbohydrate and fiber, which may help to slow glucose digestion and absorption. Dried prickly pear capsules are popular both in Mexico and the United States, but while a study has shown that this supplement may help to lower cholesterol levels, there is not good evidence to support the use of nopal capsules for the treatment of diabetes Source:

10.  Fenugreek:  How does fenugreek work to help fight diabetes? One study reports that a substance called 4-hydroxyisoleucine, isolated from the seeds of the herb, has shown significant potential as an anti-diabetic agent because it suppressed progression of type 2 diabetes in mice by improving insulin sensitivity and uptake of glucose. Fenugreek contains fiber and pectin, which may help lower blood glucose.  Source:

11.  Gymnema:  How does it work? Gymnema contains substances that decrease the absorption of sugar from the intestine. Gymnema may also increase the amount of insulin in the body and increase the growth of cells in the pancreas, which is the place in the body where insulin is made. 

Here we have some of the most affective natural substances Plants and Herbs that can help with Diabetes.  Make sure you read up on it and discuss it with your doctor and always follow the best form of control for your Diabetes.  Consult with your physician before going out on a limb and trying to cut yourself off from medications you may be taking and also there could be interactions between the medications you take currently. 

Together as a community we can learn.  We can help each other with information and support.  If you or anyone you know is Diabetic or is a caretaker of a Diabetic and have something to share or just have information to share contact me at

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