Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blah, Blah, Blah...Depression and Diabetes

I hate those days when I just feel really down in the dumps.  I wake and say hurray its another day.  I don't always mean that.  I feel like since I have had Diabetes that Depression can plague me quite often, probably not every single day but enough that it becomes bothersome. 

Its really hard to know what to do about it because I was told that my sugar could be causing it.  I was told that by so many people including a couple of doctors.  When I asked how I really got a vague explanation so I of course want to know more.  What I have found I am sharing with you.  Maybe together we can understand this plight of Depression and Diabetes.

I was amazed to find out that most people with Diabetes do not have Depression.  However being a Diabetic we have a much greater risk of having it because of our Diabetes.  They say that there is no easy answer as to why this is true. 

They say that a few of the factors could be that managing Diabetes is a daunting task and it takes so much extra work that we could find ourselves set apart from our friends who don't have it.  Complications such a nerve damage, not being able to keep your blood sugar managed could cause stress and tension between you and your health care providers. Feeling like you cant get your Diabetes under control can cause worry and depression. 

Depression can spiral into a vicious cycle.  It can cause you to not manage your Diabetes carefully, missing meals, over eating, self care, loss of energy and even being anxious or having anxiety.  Lack of sleep and maybe sleeping all the time lack of exercise. 

Here are some Signs and Symptoms of Depression:

1.  Loss of Pleasure.  You no longer take interest in doing the things that brought you pleasure before. 
2.  Early to Rise.  You no longer sleep you wake up and can not go back to sleep. 
3.  Change in Appetite.  You eat more or less then you usually do which leads to rapid weight gain or
     weight loss.
4.  Trouble Concentrating.  You cant watch T.V., Visit, Read, Do Crafts or Work without other
     thoughts getting in the way.
5.  Loss of Energy.  You feel tired all of the time.
6.  Guilt.  You feel you cant do anything right or that you are a burden to others.
7.  Morning Sadness.  You feel worse in the morning than any other time of the day.
8.  Suicidal Thoughts.  Wanting to end your life or thinking of ways to do self harm.
If you have three or more of these symptoms, or if you have just one or two but have been feeling bad for two weeks or more, it's time to get help.

Sometimes other things can be the cause of why you might be feeling some of these things like medication side affects, Thyroid issues, or maybe a drug or alcohol issue.  Always talk to your doctor if you are feeling any of these signs or symptoms.  Your doctor can help see you through it.  There is always the Suicide Prevention lines as well to use. Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Causes underlying the association between depression and diabetes are unclear. Depression may develop because of stress but also may result from the metabolic effects of diabetes on the brain. Studies suggest that people with diabetes who have a history of depression are more likely to develop diabetic complications than those without depression. People who suffer from both diabetes and depression tend to have higher health care costs in primary care. Source:

This is a very good site to help with the recovery from Depression.  It is a self help site.  It can be hard but will be much worth the effort if you can bring yourself out of your depression a small step at a time. 
Dealing with Diabetes and its complications are never easy.  It can be a struggle daily just to get up out of bed and many times I even hear myself saying Why Bother.  I find the bother just isn't about my life but about my family and my friends as well.  It is hard, but we can do it if we stick together as a Diabetic community and Caregivers of those that are Diabetic.

If you have any information you wish to share, a blog you wish to write or just would like to chat contact me at  

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