Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stress me out...Ouch! How Stress Affects Diabetes

I have been told recently to stop stressing out so much, whew that is a hard one for me.  I am a natural born worrier.  I really dont mean to be, but my nature as a female, mother, caregiver tells me otherwise.  I also am busy working on things that concern the country like cold cases all over the united states.  So like most people time management is important and being a sort of perfectionist when it comes to things can cause the utmost stresses for me.  I have had to learn to let some of that go.

Diabetes doesnt pick and chose one race over another, one sex over another or even what social status over another.  It is an equal opportunity disease.  How we manage it though is up to us and even though it is easier to manage if you have the means it is not necessarily that hard if you dont have the means it just means you have to be creative and use alot of free resources to help you maintain it even the stress management part.

Stress is many things it can be Physical, Mental, Emotional and Environment can play a huge part in all of these.  We may have every day stresses like work, home, family, economics, or we could have physical stresses such as Illness (Diabetes), and injuries to our bodies that can be stresses. 

I know when I first talked to a my doctor and she found I had a Kidney infection she said this is why your blood sugar is high, infections raise it because it puts stress on your body.  I was unaware of that now 4 years into the disease.  But it is true it can really stress the body.

When stress occurs, the body prepares to take action. This preparation is called the fight-or-flight response. In the fight-or-flight response, levels of many hormones shoot up. Their net effect is to make a lot of stored energy — glucose and fat — available to cells. These cells are then primed to help the body get away from danger. In people who have diabetes, the fight-or-flight response does not work well. Insulin is not always able to let the extra energy into the cells, so glucose piles up in the blood.  Diabetes affected by stress explained

I have found a few ways to deal with my stress now that I know how it affects my Diabetes that are free and enjoyable.  I use the internet alot for this either on my cell phone or on the computer itself.  I have found that Youtube is a great source for free videos on relaxation, meditation and excersize such as Yoga.  If you have a cell phone there are alot of free Apps that help with this and will give you the opportunity to get free excersize, meditation and even sleep programs to use. 

Taking time out for your needs are very important when you are dealing with a disease like Diabetes.  If it affects your whole body then you must take time to help your body stay healed. 

Remember to try and lower your blood sugar and stay healthy with excersize, eating right and sleeping well.  Remember not to get to stressed out.

Together we can do this as a community.  If you have a story or want to ask questions or share something contact me at

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