Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Discovery Insulin May be A Thing of the Past

The Harvard School of Public Health has discovered a new Protein (Hormone) that have been found in fat cells.  This Protein (Hormone) helps regulate how glucose is controlled and metabolized in the Liver.  The Scientists have discovered that by switching off the Protein, leads to a better control of  production of glucose from the Liver. 
Source:  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130507134555.htm

Scientist and Physicians alike have been puzzled over the fact that not all obese people obtain type 2 Diabetes.  They have decided that there must be a missing factor or component that they had not found that aided in the production of glucose by the Liver up until the discovery of aP2 which has been considered a protein that resides within our fat cells.

The study was done on mice they increased the amount of aP2 in healthy mice which was the same in obese mice and humans, this caused the mice to have an increased amount of glucose which impaired glucose metabolism.  Next they reduced the amount of aP2 in obese and Diabetic mice. This caused the blood glucose metabolism to be that of blood glucose seen in lean healthy mice.  This restored blood glucose metabolism to normal ranges again. 

Conclusion: The amount and action of aP2 in blood was critical for diabetes, opening up new avenues for potentially being able control or prevent type 2 diabetes. The researchers also identified a potential therapeutic role for a novel aP2 antibody that neutralizes aP2 activity and corrects type 2 diabetes in mice.
Source:  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130507134555.htm

Journal Reference:
  1. Haiming Cao, Motohiro Sekiya, Meric Erikci Ertunc, M. Furkan Burak, Jared R. Mayers, Ariel White, Karen Inouye, Lisa M. Rickey, Baris C. Ercal, Masato Furuhashi, Gürol Tuncman, Gökhan S. Hotamisligil. Adipocyte Lipid Chaperone aP2 Is a Secreted Adipokine Regulating Hepatic Glucose Production. Cell Metabolism, 2013 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2013.04.012

Every day they are discovering new ideas and finding new sources to help in aiding in the fight against Diabetes.  It is really important to keep up on reading in regards to what potentially could be a cure for the disease and make it treatable to all those who have it.  I encourage reading and keeping informed.

As a Woman with Diabetes I need to be responsible for my own well being, no one can take care of me except me.  I have to be in control over what my body is going through with the outer influences or environment that surrounds me as a Diabetic.  I encourage you also to take control and learn all you can, share with other Diabetics and keep the conversation open and flowing.  Together we can make a difference in each others lives.

If you have a story or a comment, if you wish to write a blog page for here and be a contributor please contact me at:  diabetic.day2013@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to answer any mail that is sent to me.  We can do this together as a community.  

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