Monday, July 22, 2013

Normal! "Huh, I'm Diabetic!"

If you are like me life as a Diabetic has been more than confusing at times.  I have had a very difficult time trying to get everything straight.  I sometimes wasnt sure if I was coming or going. 

Some things about being Diabetic was easy to get ahold of, but not all of it.  I have still been trying to figure out my eating and snacks and excersize and what affects my blood glucose. 

The things I have learned over the past almost 8 years living with Diabetes is that there is always new things to learn and things changing in our worlds, so yes it can be very confusing at times. 

Here are some of the things that I have learned. 

1.  Stress is one of the number one things that create fluctuations in your blood glucose levels.  It is important to figure out the stresses in your life and try to eliminate or just manage them better.

2.  Getting proper rest is so important.  If you do not get proper rest your body will be under stress and we know now that both Mental and Physical things can stress our body and cause our blood glucose to rise.

3.  Illness can create a higher gluclose level for us Diabetics because once again with illness our bodies are once again under stress.  The same goes for injuries to our bodies our blood glucose will be higher as our bodies try to heal.  Diabetes is an Autoamune Disease. 

4.  Eating is probably the most difficult to get right and it affects our bodies ability to maintain a fairly level glucose, however if we are not sure how to eat or we are not understanding how things affect our glucose levels then it will be difficult for us to change.  Reading I have found and experementing with foods is the best way to know what works best for your body.

5. Excersize will lower your glucose level but once again if you do not have the proper carbs in your body before excersize it can be dangerous when and if your glucose drops to low.  Make sure you know what you need to do as a diabetic to deal with this situation.  Always contact your Doctor to make sure you have an okay to proceed with the excersize program you choose.

6.  Medications will also affect your blood glucose.  It is important to keep up with your Doctor on any supplements or medications you may be taking.  Sometimes we have more than one doctor for many things and they can prescribe different medications, so make sure you always have an up to date list of all medications to take with you to your primary care Doctor.
Daily routine how it affects your Diabetes

One of the things I have struggled with the most is trying to figure out how to eat properly and exactly what I can eat.  If you have struggled with this also then we can figure this out together.

The American Diabetes Association has a really wide variety of articles on how to eat and what to eat.  They say that once you get used to eating right it is basically routine. Can I Eat

Finding infromation on the internet is easy when it comes to Diabetes and eating such as great recipes and meal guides and plans.  Recipes for healthy living

I am really just beginning to understand the Importance of Skin Care, Dental Care and Foot Care as a Diabetic and there are some really interesting things to know.  The information is all out there on the internet or in your libraries.  If you are confused ask your doctor there are programs that are information packed that the doctor can refer you to.  Sometimes on the Diabetes Association Website you can also find events in your area and as always you can always donate time and effort in finding a cure for this disease.  In my Community Via ADA

I will be expanding on other topics of Diabetes as we continue on our journey together as Diabetics and Caretakers of Diabetics.  As a community I think we can support each other much better than standing alone.  There are over 26 Million people with this disease, that is a pretty large population.   We can become healthier by sharing and caring. 

If you have a story or a question you would like to give then get ahold of me at

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