Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Im Living With a Killer...it's Name Diabetes

So I am wondering how you really feel about your Diabetes?  When I was diagnosed with it I really didn't take it as serious as I should have, maybe that was because what I knew about diabetes I sure didn't see it as a killer.  Boy was I wrong! 

The thing about Diabetes isn't the fact that most of us die from the disease it's the fact that most of us who die from having Diabetes die because of the complications associated with the Disease.  That is why learning and communication and management of the disease is so important.  Getting a good knowledge base of what the complications are and how to treat each one is a key factor to how long of a survival rate you will have as a diabetic.  Listening to your healthcare professional asking questions and doing the best we can to care for our disease.

Recently there was a video that was put out on you tube by the International Diabetes Federation.  It is a harsh reality because it expresses the idea that Diabetes is a Killer.  Well, in my opinion it is.  Diabetes affects whatever part of the body it chooses to.  Most of the time it interferes with heart health, circulation, brain and kidneys, liver and skin.  These are all major parts of major systems in our bodies.  Once again if not managed Diabetes can kill you from its complications.  I am sharing this video here on my blog in hopes that it can gain a better understanding and wont be criticized as much.  If we really take a look at our disease it has the potential to do very bad things to our bodies along with an end through dying from complications. 

The thing is we need to continue to share and talk and campaign and work as hard as we can as a community to get noticed about the problems across the globe with Diabetes.  It is one of the most serious diseases that is growing more and more rapidly.  We must educate on healthy foods and better nutrition, as well as better health care for many with Diabetes who are under the poverty levels or those who are aged without having proper medications and health care that they need.  I'm wondering if you will let me know your thoughts on this video and also there will be a new video they want to ban regarding Diabetes killing us at alarming rates. 

I hope you will find time to share this information, and to join us in the community of care givers, family and diabetics to help keep knowledge flowing and keep the conversation open. 

If you have any ideas for a blog or would like to be a guest writer for this blog or if you have questions or something you would like to share you can find us @ #DiabeticDay and diabetic.day2013@gmail.com.

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