Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sex and the Diabetic, No it's not a Movie it's Real Talk

Lets face it having Diabetes takes away the hey babe ya wanna excitement.  It isn't that you don't want to, more like your urges might not be there as they were before.  Sometimes you just become depressed and other times your medication or complications can play a part in why you don't want some. 

Each of these factors can play a part in what is physiologically happening inside of your body and to your emotions and mental state.  Take for instance Depression.  Often in Depression you feel as though your tired and sad and things just are not worth the effort if you can even find enough energy to make an effort.  You may be sleepy and want to sleep much of the time and things that used to be fun and exciting may no longer make you feel the same way. 

If you are taking medications for your Diabetes and it's complications often the medications have side affects so make sure to read them or ask your Pharmacist about the side affects.  Talk to your doctor and let him or her know what is going on with you.  Heart medications can interrupt things in the body, and Diabetic Neuropathy affects many part of your body including female and male parts.  Sensation that would create feelings to help are often just nil or non existant.  Blood flow is often slowed down because of damage done to the cardiovascular issues that Diabetics often deal with from complications of the disease making it harder to obtain erections for men and stimulation to the clitoral area for women.

It isn't something you really want to talk about very often as a Diabetic, but it is a very real thing that happens to many of us.  It is a sensitive subject but one you need to speak about to your spouse and to your health care professionals.  There are numerous things that you can do for yourself and things that you can do for each other.  Doctors also have some things they can discuss with you.  Don't be afraid to discuss your Sex Life with your spouse and your healthcare professional, great things can be accomplished to help the situation.

I am going to post some really good information regarding this and remember it isn't just because someone has no need for it or want but that there can be many things affecting the why's of  Diabetes interrupting yours or a spouses sex life.

Evidence of Neuropathy in your feet may mean that nerves in other parts of your body are affected as well, possibly affecting your sexual functioning.

There’s a lot you can do on your own, too, to improve your sex life, whether you are able to actually change your physical functioning or simply learn new ways to enjoy what you have. 

10 sex tips for Diabetics

Sexual problems in women are also common although not always reported. It is estimated that one third of women may have problems with sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and the ability to reach orgasm.

 Sexual problems in men with diabetes are common with over half of men being impacted. Age and the progression of the disease both increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and low testosterone, the two most common sexual health issues.


There are things we as Diabetics can do to help ourselves get through a difficult period in our Disease, but remember the Disease doesn't just affect us it affects our mates as well.  Talking a direct communication with your mate will make it easier to find solutions and answers to these all to often common issues Diabetics have with Sex.  Keep open communication flowing it will help resolve any issues you may be having in your relationship.

There are so many great articles out there.  Just open up your web browser and ask the questions.  It will have several answers for you but most of them are very common facts and will answer your questions quite well.  Don't forget to speak to your healthcare professional, ask if they are comfortable in discussing the physical aspects of what your Disease may be creating for you, if not ask them if they have suggestions on who to speak to about it.  The only questions that are not good questions are those that don't get asked.

If you have comments or a blog Idea, if you have a subject you want to discuss or just a question please feel free to connect with me at  Together we can make us knowledgeable about our Diabetes and we can share and help each other in our journey. 

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