Thursday, March 13, 2014

What's up With Being So Tired...Sleepless in Diabetes.

As a Diabetic I find that I am extremely tired out.  I am a not sure that it is not from a couple other health issues I have but for sure I know part of it is my Diabetes.  I'm Yawning right now as I do this blog. 

I was reading a couple of forums and the answers to that very questions, "Why am I so tired all the time?"  Many different answers from a lack of exercise to coming down from the high glucose levels.
Some even going so far as to say there is a lack of vitamins B-12, B-6 etc.  The one thing it really didn't even mention was depression.  This came from several diabetics and a couple of pre-diabetics.

Depression comes along with Diabetes.  I do know though that exercise does help fight depression and so does proper diet and nutrition. 

In addition, high blood glucose can cause fatigue through inflammation. Blood vessels get inflamed by the sugar. When this happens, according to new research, immune cells called monocytes come into the brain, causing fatigue. 

Depression, Stress, Diet are other things that have some bearing on weather or not your fatigue is actually caused by Diabetes, or if your Diabetes are causing issues with these things.

Depression is very common with diabetes. Most depressed people feel fatigued, even if they don’t feel sad. Even at low levels, depression can sap your motivation. Why get up? You can take a free test to see if you are depressed here.

Too much carbohydrate — especially refined carbs — can make anyone tired, especially with diabetes

I'm sure by now you are realizing that there are many things related to or caused by Diabetes that can cause fatigue.  I hope that understanding some of these things will help you to understand more about why you may be feeling tired and then solving the issue of your tiredness or at least lessen it. 

I hope you will share this blog with your friends and family and that each one of us as a member of the Diabetic communities around the world can share information so that we can get healthier and feel better. 

If you are interested in being a guest blogger or if you have questions or information you wish to share please contact me @ or  @DiabeticDay on Twitter or on Facebook at Gwen Johnsons Diabetic Day. 
