Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Digestive Health and the Diabetic

I can't believe how long it been since I have been able to blog, but I am back with a new machine and some new information.

Somehow the thing that seems to creep up on many of us as Diabetics is the fact that we have slow moving digestive systems.  The cause well...I should say causes are varied and many.

We could attribute the fact that we have slow moving digestive systems to a lack of fiber, fruits, liquids etc.  So our eating habits can be just one of those many things we often think is just fine.

Second we could attribute it to a lack of exercise.  Depending on your Diabetic issues we may have a hard time getting out to exercise, especially if you are having feet issues and even your Neuropathy can get in the way of a good exercise even the basics like walking.

The biggest thing for me has been the difficulty with a Neuropathy but it is Gastro Intestinal Neuropathy.  It causes everything from slow metabolism to hard stools and sometimes even the need to not go to the bathroom.  Its a real pain!

The past few weeks I have been using a new natural product that I believe has helped me after having tried many others.  I have bought live probiotics, many other over the counter ones from the health food store but nothing really did it.  I paid way more money on something I thought was going to work and then didn't. 

The new product that is actually working is a product that at Walmart  cost me $6.95.  Its called Spring Valley Probiotic Multi-Enzymes with Active Acidophilus Cultures.  It comes in a bottle of 200 and you take 3 pills either before or after you eat.  Amazing that is all I can say.  It began working right away and it took only 2 days to regulate my system so it is working again.
Enzymes break down the nutritional components of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With the addition of Probiotic Acidophilus, this formula is designed to be used as a digestive aid to promote healthy functioning of the intestinal system.

I know as a Diabetic the cost of the things we have to have can be so ungodly to our pocketbooks, we need to share these types of things so we can actually keep some of that money in our pocketbooks instead. 

I would suggest giving this a try those extra digestive enzymes are really worth taking because breaking down and absorption is the key to keeping those beautiful intestines flowing and doing their job.  They are way more important that we give them credit for.

The intestines are a long, continuous tube running from the stomach to the anus. Most absorption of nutrients and water happen in the intestines. The intestines include the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum.

Source:  http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/picture-of-the-intestines

I hope this blog is informational and I hope you share this with the others who are in our community of Diabetics.  We can help and heal each other by sharing what we know with those around us and don't forget to include your family and friends.  A better understanding of what we live with and how we live will change our way of looking at our Diabetes. 

If you would like to contact me or would like to be a guest blogger on this blog contact me at:  diabetic.day2013@gmail.com
Find me on Facebook at:  Gwen Johnsons Diabetic Day.
Twitter at Diabetic Day

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