Thursday, February 6, 2014

High Ho High Ho or Low No Low No...It matters so much both ways it goes

During the day I find myself having issues both with low blood sugars and high blood sugars.  I find it most difficult to find that happy medium and I am finding for myself that I am constantly trying to adjust my foods and everything else just to control my sugars. 

Have you ever heard of what they call a brittle diabetic?  Here is a Definition of Brittle Diabetics:

Definition: Brittle diabetes is a term used to describe hard-to-control swings in blood glucose levels. People who have brittle diabetes experience frequent highs and lows in their blood sugar levels, even when attempting to control it. These erratic swings in blood sugar can cause frequent episodes of either hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), which is more common and sometimes extreme.
Also Known As: labile diabetes Source:    I often have those issues.

After reading more about Brittle Diabetics  I have discovered that there are many variants that create the difficulties brittle diabetics encounter.  I my self feel that some may or may not be the cause and affects of the problem's Brittle Diabetics have. 
Brittle diabetes is more common in people with type 1 diabetes, but it also can occur in type 2 diabetes. Certain medical conditions may be linked to brittle diabetes, such as gastroparesis (a delay in stomach emptying, which interferes with the timing of carbohydrate absorption after meals) and some endocrine disorders, such as hypothyroidism.  Source:
I personally have the issue with gastroparesis.  I have an extremely slow digestive tract.  There are a few other things that also play into the issues we have as Brittle Diabetics.  They often say we should get checked out psycological as well as evaluate our environmental surroundings.  I think there are a lot of things that cause our highs and our Lows.  These could only be a few.
If you think you may have or be a Brittle Diabetic because your sugars are High and Low and you feel it is becoming less manageable you should contact your physician or health care specialists.  It is very Dangerous and if not taken care of can be life threatening.  Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics can be Brittle Diabetics. 
I hope this information has been helpful for you, and please share this with others including your own families.  It is important to know about diabetes and to inform others.  We can take control of our Disease better when we work together and share information.  I hope you will all share because we are a large community of people. 
If you have any questions about this information or my blog or you just wish to connect  you can find me at:, #DiabeticDay Twitter, Face Book @ Gwen Johnsons Diabetic Day. 
I look forward to communicating with you.  Take care of yourself and help us all take care of each other.                                                                                          

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