Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Work out The all over Medicine for Diabetes

I know that the cartoon image up above may seem a little on the harsh side, but being diabetic I have learned one thing and that is without exercise we risk much more than just high blood sugar. 

Diabetes brings with it much more for us to be concerned about, like Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, and a broad range of Brain, Eye, and Nerve issues.  Circulation and getting blood flow and Oxygen to our vital organs and lower extremities is key to better health and saving our lives as Diabetics. 

Taking the time to at least get 30 minutes of exercise a day can better your chances of  lowering your Blood Glucose levels, keeping blood flow to your legs and feet, making your Heart stronger and aids in better and Liver function.  It is even better if you can put in an 60 minutes a day.  But if you can not find the time then 30 minutes is standard.

Walking of course is one of the best exercises for Diabetics.  It is low impact and brings great results for our Blood Glucose levels.
"George Griffing, MD, professor of endocrinology at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine says that small bouts of exercise per day is fine.  He says that as long as they equal to 30 minutes a day it will work. "

It is important that Diabetics maintain movement and keep that oxygen and blood flowing throughout our bodies.  We should try to increase any type of activity that we would normally do, such as housework, or walking up and down our stairs.  Any type of exercise that will get that heart pumping.  Be sure you connect with your physician before you begin an exercise program to be sure it is safe for you.

I have used a pedometer for about 3 years now.  I had a mild Heart Attack in 2010 and since then have relied upon my pedometer to make sure I am getting enough steps in per day.  I was recommended 10,000 steps to equal five miles. This can make your Blood Pressure lower,  and lower your Blood Glucose and Cholesterol.

It is also important at the time to consider what caloric intake you have.  Keep yourself a daily journal there are applications you can put on your smart phone to keep track of your calories and how many proteins, fats, and carbohydrates your calories equal. You can also use programs on your computer to do the same as well as a regular notebook and do a handwritten one.  The Application I use on my Android Phone is :  My Diet Diary by GE healthymagination.  You can find this app on Google App Store
Find more Information out @ 


Source:  Fifteen tips for Diabetic Exercise

What a wonderful source of happiness.  It is so much safer and better than pain medications and sleep medications.  It is also much better than us having to take medications for Depression and Anxiety Disorders.  Side affects of Chemicals can damage our bodies, but with exercise we are okay for better ways in which our bodies handle stress and sleeplessness.  The benefits of exercise outweigh the alternatives of no exercise.  Happier, Healthier, and alive.

Together we as Diabetics must keep the conversations happening.  We need the information and communication that can get us healthier and keep us strong.  If you would like to write a blog post information or have an idea or comment or question please contact me at:

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